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What spaces do we need to provide for individual or small group lessons?

This depends on the instrument. A room with a piano or keyboard is always useful. For drum lessons, we will need access to a drum kit. You may want to consider the impact of noise from lessons disturbing others in school. The room should have a window (or a window in the door).

What space do we need to provide for First Experiences or large group sessions?

The school hall is ideal although a large classroom can also be used. Most Theatr Clwyd Music Associates prefer to work in a clear space without chairs and tables. There will need to be a projector/screen and audio available.

Do you ask schools to subsidise instrumental and vocal lessons?

We have removed this requirement from September 2024. We hope schools will continue to buy into the music service through our Subscription scheme.

In what circumstances do schools pay for a pupil’s lessons?

Schools support the cost of lessons for pupils who qualify for the Pupil Development Grant (PDG) and those taking GCSE and A-level music.

When do lessons take place?

There are 34 scheduled teaching weeks over the academic year. You can find our 2024/25 dates here. There are weeks at the end of term which can be used to reschedule missed lessons – this will be arranged with your Associate. For First Experiences and First Experiences follow on, there are 17 sessions which run either September to February, or February to July.

Your Associate will schedule your teaching for the same day and time each week – we ask schools to be as flexible as possible with when teaching can take place as our Associates often visit multiple schools in a day.

What happens when pupils are absent?

We do charge for lessons missed due to pupil absence. Please contact us (or ask the parent/carer to contact us) if a pupil is going to be absent for a longer period

What happens when school is closed?

Please let us know any planned closures which take place in our scheduled teaching weeks in writing as soon as possible and our Associates will try to reschedule the lessons. We will also try and reschedule unforeseen cancellations (such as snow days). If there is a planned event (such as a school trip or INSET day) and our Associates have less than 2 weeks’ notice, the cost for the cancelled lessons will be passed on to the school.

What happens when a the Theatr Clwyd Music Associate is absent?

Associates will try to make up any lessons missed due to absence in our catch up weeks (usually at the end of term). If this is not possible then the cost of the missed lessons will be reimbursed. We are unable to provide cover teachers at short notice but, for longer periods of absences, we will try to find cover.

If you have any issues, questions or concerns please contact your teacher in the first instance. If this is not appropriate or you require further assistance, email music@theatrclwyd.com. This email should also be used for any billing queries.

You can find FAQs for parents, carers and students here