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Our School Subscription is a wide ranging offer, supporting pupils, teachers and your wider school community through the creative arts.

Alongside music, we are working with the Creative Engagement Team to ensure a broad offer across art forms.

Through signing up to the scheme, schools will have access* to:

  • 2 creative, multi-artform workshops per year
  • 1 live music performance
  • Monthly online twilight teacher training
  • Support for creating an Expressive Arts strategy for your school
  • Support for Arts Council Wales initiative applications (eg: Lead Creative School, Go and See)
  • Support with school productions and concerts
  • Loan of classroom instruments (xylophones, drums, recorders)
  • Projects including Schools’ Gig Night and Big Sings
  • Ticket offers for shows for school groups
  • Wellbeing offer and ticket scheme for school staff
  • Music Mark Membership (UK Music Education Sector Organisation)
  • The opportunity to be involved in the Curriculum Support pilot scheme

This also will be developed further with the reopening of the Theatr Clwyd building in 2025 and in response to ongoing feedback from schools.

Cost to schools: £1500 per year or £2000 including a FE Follow On programme

£150 early bird discount for schools who book before 15th July 2024

School Programme Booking Form

*some of this offer will be subject to availability