
Dolenni Cyflym | Cysylltu â ni | Mewngofnodi | Cofrestru
Theatr Clwyd Trust & Theatr Clwyd Music Trust
1.1 Safeguarding adults, young people and children is a priority for the theatre; we take seriously our responsibilities to keep people safe. This document outlines Theatr Clwyd’s policy on identifying and responding to concerns regarding the safeguarding and protection of children and adults.
1.2 “Safeguarding” is a wider concept than the protection of children and adults and deals with the promoting of: ‐
- Physical, emotional and mental health
- Protection from harm and neglect
- Education, training and leisure
- Contribution to society
- Social and economic well‐being
It includes everything we can do to keep people safe, including minimising the risk of harm and accidents, taking action to tackle safety concerns and ensuring people grow up and live-in safe circumstances.
Keeping children and adults safe is everyone’s business, we all share a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults and protect them from others who may abuse them.
All company members, trustees, contractors and volunteers who come into contact with children or vulnerable adults in the course of their work have a duty of care to safeguard and promote their welfare and to work to prevent, detect and report neglect and abuse. This policy applies to Theatr Clwyd employees, freelancers, trustees, volunteers and organisations commissioned to provide services on behalf of the theatre.
Objectives and Principles of this Policy
2.1 The following are the objectives of the Safeguarding Policy and Guidelines:
- To provide a framework to prevent, detect and report neglect and abuse.
- Ensure that appropriate steps are implemented to deal with any allegation or concern.
- To ensure activities are planned or delivered in a way which safeguards children and adults.
- To ensure employees are able to conduct themselves safely.
- To highlight how Theatr Clwyd undertakes its legal commitments in the field of safeguarding children and adults.
- To give assurance to members of the public, customers, trustees, employees and people working on behalf of the theatre that there are clear arrangements in place to safeguard and protect children and adults.
- To provide theatre employees and trustees with clear guidelines to identify when a child or adult may be at risk of harm.
2.2 The principles underpinning this policy and its application are:
- We believe that every child and adult (whatever their background, culture, age, disability, sex, ethnicity, religious belief, marital status, sexual orientation or transgender status) has a right to participate in a safe society without any violence, fear, abuse, bullying, exploitation or discrimination.
- We believe every child and adult has the right to be protected from harm, exploitation and abuse.
- We will put the welfare of children and adults at the heart of our policies and procedures.
- We will work closely in partnership with children, their parents, carers and adults and other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults.
- We will respect the rights, wishes, feelings and privacy of children and adults by listening to them and minimising any risks that may affect them.
- We will invest in preventative work and early intervention and try to avoid situations where abuse or allegations of abuse or harm may occur.
- We want to ensure a working environment where our company feel confident to raise any concerns about any perceived malpractice within the theatre.
2.3 Outcomes
- We will measure the effect regularly and achieve the following high-level outcomes:
- There is a clear understanding amongst employees, trustees, and others working on behalf of the theatre of the policies and guidelines for safeguarding children and adults.
- Robust procedures are in place to ensure compliance with the policy.
- There will be consistency between this policy and the all-Wales procedures and associated local protocols for safeguarding children and adults.
- Employees and trustees attend appropriate safeguarding training.
- Children and adults are safeguarded.
3.0 Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 Every trustee, every company member and every volunteer has a responsibility to adhere to the procedures and guidance set out in this policy. By following the correct procedures and guidance, it is possible to ensure that the appropriate steps are implemented to deal with any allegation or concern, services are planned and delivered in a way which safeguards children and adults, and employees are able to conduct themselves safely.
3.2 The Executive Director has the general responsibility for ensuring that there is an effective safeguarding policy and procedures for children and adults in place and that they are implemented. This role is supported by the Safeguarding Team.
The Safeguard Team is made up of the following company members:
- Executive Director
- Finance, Operations & People Director
- Director of Music
- Creative Engagement Director
- Producer
- Head of Production
3.3 Line Managers
Every Line Manager is responsible for ensuring that the employees for whom they are responsible receive the training which they need, proportionate to their responsibilities.
3.4 Employees and Volunteers
All employees and volunteers are responsible for undertaking their duties in a manner which safeguards and promotes the welfare of children and adults. They must also act in a way which protects them against false allegations of abuse as far as possible and in accordance with this policy. They must bring issues of concern regarding the safety and welfare of children and adults to their manager, or to a member of the safeguarding team. It is not an individual’s responsibility to decide whether a person has been abused or not.
4.0. The Reporting Process
4.1. Recognition and reporting suspicion about abuse may take the form of ‘concerns’ rather than ‘known facts’. While concerns will not necessarily trigger an investigation, they help to build up a picture, along with concerns from other sources, which may indicate that the individual may be suffering harm.
4.2 Employees with concerns regarding the safety of an individual, or the behaviour of a colleague towards children or an adult or who receive allegations of potential abuse against a colleague, carer, volunteer or agency should inform a Senior Manager.
4.3 Concerns should be shared as soon as a problem, suspicion or concern about a child or adult becomes apparent, and certainly within 24 hours. This will ensure the risks are managed and appropriate action is considered. It is not an option to ‘wait and see’ or to dismiss the concern as not relevant.
4.4 Employees must not
- investigate or ask leading questions.
- agree to keep it a secret or promise confidentiality but should give assurances that information will be shared on a need-to-know basis only so that the matter can be investigated in order to keep other children/adults safe.
- touch or clear away evidence.
- make assumptions or offer alternative explanations.
- contact the alleged abuser.
- talk to other employees, councillors, friends or service users about the information that has been shared with you.
The Police must be contacted immediately if the child or adult is in danger.
4.5 Any employees affected by safeguarding issues should in the first place speak to their line manager or a member of the People Team. Help and support is available from Occupational Health.
5.0 Prevent
The Government’s Prevent strategy aims to safeguard people vulnerable to radicalisation and extremism.
If you are concerned about an individual being drawn into terrorism you can notify the Police Hotline on 0800 789 321 or contact North Wales Police if you have concerns or for any further advice: Telephone: 01745 588814 ext 88814 Email:
If there are immediate risks of harm phone 999.
6.0 Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery is a serious and often hidden crime in which people are exploited for criminal gain. The impact can be devastating for the victims.
Modern slavery comprises slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. Not all victims of modern slavery are trafficked across the border. Internal trafficking of victims to other parts of the UK takes place, and other forms of modern slavery involves no movement of the victim at all.
Victims of modern slavery can be found anywhere. There are certain industries where they are currently more prevalent, such as nail bars, car washes, agriculture, building sites and the sex industry.
The national referral mechanism (NRM) is the framework by which potential victims of human trafficking and modern slavery are identified and supported.
Reports can also be made by phoning 999 if there is an immediate risk of harm. Report to the police on 101.
Anyone can download the App “Unseen” onto their mobile devices, available from This provides information on physical and psychological signs to be aware of in victims as well as environments in which modern slavery happens.
7.0 Monitoring and Reviewing
The Safeguarding team will undertake quarterly monitoring and review of relevant performance indicators.
This Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed annually or if any amendments occur in legislation or in consideration of changes in working practices which may stem from incidents or allegations.